You are in the right place if you are looking for inspiration and tangible tools on all things awakening, empowerment and enlightenment, to move out of the old paradigms of business and living into a new era where we lead from our soul’s knowing, connect from our hearts, collaborate, and create communities that celebrate our unique essence.

SLP #12: The Healing Power of Sexual Sovereignty

SLP #12: The Healing Power of Sexual Sovereignty

In this episode, I talk with two incredible contributors of our multi-author book FEARLESS PRESENCE.

Both women are masters at using the sexual energy as a force for healing and self-empowerment. In this episode, they share with me how and why.

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SLP #11: Tantric Awakening and Healing the Priestess Wound

SLP #11: Tantric Awakening and Healing the Priestess Wound

This episode is a treat! Both guests share how they experienced their tantric awakening and how the power of our kundalini energy can heal and clear the trauma and constriction in the body and why we already have everything we need right inside of ourselves.

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