Looking for inspiration? Check out my interview on Spiritual AF an inspiring podcast series by @Pixie Rose. We talk about everything related to tantra, embodiment and star seed connections:

how I discovered my soul lineage and how you can too how discovering tantra guided me to integrate my wounded masculine and feminine energies into a cohesive, embodied whole
My #1 non-negotiable spiritual practice What galactic embodiment is and how we can use it to come into deeper soul alignment.
** Why shadow work is the precursor for a move into 5D.
I also share about my Galactic Temple membership portal that is currently open for new beings to join at a special rate before the price goes up in February.

To listen to the episode, got to: https://open.spotify.com/episode/20vcQ7l3Jz25UgP12k4uFp?si=mLaP_fyqTQiRuHK74WTcPQ