Stay open sweet heart, stay open.
Feel all the pain
Feel all the injustice
Feel all the ways you are misunderstood.
Feel it all.
Allow it to be.
Sit with it
Accept it.
Love the pain
Love the fear
Transmute it all back to love, into wholeness.
Ride it like a surfer rides a wave.
Be present to it.
Then let it go.
The world is simply giving you a way to deepen into your heart,
Deepen into your expansion,
Deepen into love.
I have been there.
I am there.
It’s tough, it’s painful and it challenges every ounce of the conditioned self,
Every bit that has attached to this human experience of separation, fear of safety, needing to be right.
Let it go, sweet heart, let it go!
Surrender to what is, to decrease the resistance.
Remember the purpose.
Remember love.
The knowing of the purpose assists me to hold on to the vision of what is to come,
of why this is happening.
Our greatest challenges are your greatest gifts.
They teach us.
Can you be the witness when the shit that hits the fan?
Can you transmute the pain?
Can you keep your heart open, to radiate the love that you are?
Can you express gratitude for what is?
We are always on track.
We are always supported.
This is something to be grateful for.
I am carving the path
I am creating a new template.
Follow me. Walk beside me.
We’ve got this!
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With passion and purpose,
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