AMA Live – Awakening with Adriana Monique Alvarez and Krystal HillE

AMA Live – Awakening with Adriana Monique Alvarez and Krystal HillE


Guest Interview on AMA Live
Awakening: Meet the Women Birthing a New Earth

Are your eyes wide open? Can you see and feel the deep transformation that is happening on a global level? We are collectively experience a great pause, an opportunity to re-evaluate priorities, beliefs, and what matters most moving forward. It’s becoming apparent that certain skill sets will become increasingly valuable. In this book you’ll meet women from around the world who are experts in their field. They have the knowledge and experience, but most of all they embody what they teach.

Whether you are ready to look at what authentic work means for you, explore and tap into your spiritual gifts, worldschool your kids, or learn how to start a garden in your yard, this book will open your heart and mind to what’s possible and what it takes to thrive in a new earth.

The Return of the Priestess

The Return of the Priestess


Krystal speaks with Dawn Del Vecio about the Priestess Power and how sisterhood has been corrupted by the patriarchy as part of our human evolution. How it is now time to reclaime sisterhood as well as the power of collective leadership and unity consciousness, demonstrated in the relationship between Goddess Isis and her sister Nephtys. 


The Way of the Divine Feminine Leader

The Way of the Divine Feminine Leader

The way of the Goddess (or that divine feminine essence within) has been shown to me recently in more tangible ways than ever before. I know the way of the Goddess, I feel her moving through me at times and now a deeper sense of her essence has been revealed.

Have you ever heard something before you were ready to truly understand the meaning on All levels? When this happens, we tend to acknowledge things on a superficial level. This time, for me, something resonated at a deeper core level.

How to embody and live as Goddess or as the embodiment of the divine feminine?

In the book Kedesha, Ohad Pele Ezrahi describes the rituals and sacred sexuality practices in the ancient Goddess Temples of Astarte. There is a scene where a Yahweh priest breaks into this temple to rape a priestess. When he fails and comes face to face with the High Priestess, she offers herself to him. This creates confusion in the young priestess, who barely escaped his violent attack. She observes the High Priestess honouring the invader for listening to the call of his heart to enter the temple, and to seek the love that is offered here. At no point does she reprimand him or scorn him.

The High Priestess maintains the position of love, she acts like a Goddess.

Later she explains to the young priestess that the goddess of love never fights. In the female body, we are often physically weaker and cannot win in a physical battle. However, we have other tools. We can melt the walls surrounding the wounded hearts with love. Love and pleasures can break down the walls much better than any tools of violence or attack ever could.

These words really stuck with me in a new way and deeper way than ever before. It’s what Jesus (Jeshua) would have referred to when saying “turn the other cheek”.

Days later, I was given the opportunity to put the teachings of the High Priestess into practice and in turn, step into her shoes.

I received an email from a beautiful man who had gone into his wounded masculine around a perceived rejection after I had spoken my truth and defended a boundary. His wounded child found ways to prove how I had not been generous with him in numerous ways and how I had used him and his generosity. He had gone into competition.

It would have been easy to activate my own wounded child, that part of me that needs to be right and prove others who attack me wrong, by attacking them in return.

After all, this is the way of our society, which is still so deeply ruled by fear and lack. I gave that part that wanted to fight a voice, instead of suppressing it. I wrote everything down it had to say:

How could he twist the truth so much and make me out to be this bitch that uses people! My self-righteous part put him in his place and showed him the other side of the truth that he had distorted. I allowed this voice to flow freely onto the page, but in the end didn’t send any of it.

Instead, I stepped into my goddess self.

I stepped into that part that has such deep love for the wounded child in all of us when we feel betrayed and mistreated. I wrote to that part in him by validating the amazing contribution this man makes to the world. I went back into the big picture of our relationship and how it serves the greater good of human evolution and human liberation. I honoured him for all that he does.

I then shared the other side, from a place of softness and compassion, instead of the place of harshness and self-righteousness. I felt really close to him when I finally hit the send button on the email.

In response, he honoured my boundary that he previously attacked.

This boundary was actually in conflict with a certain policy and he could have insisted upon. But he didn’t. He honoured my boundary!

I had honoured him in his highest essence.

I had stayed true to myself and spoken my truth that was not in alignment with the policy. I had also come to a place of acceptance that the policy needed to be enacted.

We both felt a closeness to each other again that had been there in the past.

Pointers to implement the way of the Goddess in your life:

  1. Understand that we are currently still living in a social paradigm that operates on fear and scarcity. Remember that this paradigm is cracking, loosening and we are being called to return to love and the way of the Divine Feminine. This happens internally within each human being, and is reflected in our world.
  2. Come from the perspective of the Goddess within you. The feminine principle always approaches life from the place of compassion and love. Yes, she is fierce in defending this position as well, fierce in her love. She never buys into the battle. She never buys into scarcity from the confrontational, wounded masculine.
  3. Know that everyone is doing the best they can in each moment.
  4. Remember that anger and attack are hidden signs of reaching out for love and wholeness.
  5. Meet the hidden need, instead of buying into the battle of the wounded self.

Disclaimer: we are not turning our other cheek. We are coming from an empowered place of choosing to hold the highest ground. Even the offer of the High Priestess came from an empowered place of the highest good, not from a place of defeat. By offering herself and her love to a lost soul, she acts out of compassion and you can’t fight someone who comes from compassion.

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With passion and purpose,

Soul Leadership Coach, International Tantra Teacher & Bestselling Author

(originally written July 2019)

Archetypal Exploration – Krystal is interviewed by Matthew Watkins

Archetypal Exploration – Krystal is interviewed by Matthew Watkins

In this interview, Matthew interviews Krystal about the power of archetypes and how Krystal uses archetypal energies to assist her clients to move from fragmentation into wholeness and sovereignty. We speak about shadow archetypes and integrating all aspects into conscious awareness, rebirthing, photo shoots and more. 

Sacred Feminine Power Podcast: Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Union

Sacred Feminine Power Podcast: Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Union


“Krystal shares eloquently about the concepts of the wounded masculine and wounded feminine and how these can be healed to bring about a divine union between the two, both within ourselves and in our world.
She also talks about unity consciousness, the role of Starseeds on our planet’s evolution and the importance of remembering our galactic heritage.
To connect with me, Krystal and like-minded Soul Sisters and Brothers, join us in this private, safe and non-judgemental Facebook group Sacred Feminine Power.”