The transformational power of writing

The transformational power of writing

The process is healing for us as the writer, and inspirational for the reader. If you have never heard my backstory or why I do what I do, here is a wonderful interview with the incredible Sophia Soule.

I share why I love storytelling Why I started a publishing house

What my superpower is What legacy I am passionate about leaving

* The intention for the upcoming books we are creating

The Light Summit: The 5D Leader: Activating Soul Leadership and Intuitive Living

The Light Summit: The 5D Leader: Activating Soul Leadership and Intuitive Living


I am a Soul Leadership Mentor, embodiment coach and Founder of Hille House Publishing where I feature conscious leaders who share my mission to awaken and empower humanity into deeper levels of sovereignty and connection.

Join us today, if:

  • you are ready to call your soul more deeply into your body
  • want to release the duality of leader – follower
  • become activated to trust your intuitive knowing more deeply and allow it to guide your life.
Episode 49 Krystal Hille: Awaken & Empower Humanity Into Deeper Levels of Sovereignty & Connection

Episode 49 Krystal Hille: Awaken & Empower Humanity Into Deeper Levels of Sovereignty & Connection


Guest Interview on Leaders with a Heart Podcast
Awaken & Empower Humanity Into Deeper Levels of Sovereignty & Connection

Last week I had a conversation with Payman Ess Zed on his ‘Leaders with a Heart Podcast’.

We talked about my mission to awaken and empower humanity into deeper levels of sovereignty and connection through publishing the wisdom of conscious entrepreneurs and facilitating deep transformational sessions.

He asked me what makes me happy, what my favorite subjects were at school and so much more…

Go check it out. There are time stamps and you can jump around if you like.

UNHEALTHY Sacrifices For Love

How the need for love unconsciously compromises our truth

Have you ever suppressed your truth and even gone into a confusion strategy to avoid conflict? This confusion makes us forget our position, stops us from thinking straight, makes us agree with an opposing perspective… All in order to ensure that we are safe and loved.

It’s not something that happens on the conscious level. It happens in the autonomic nervous system, where it seems impossible to change anything in the moment it happens.

The change is only possible when we go into a hypnotic state and enter into those slower alpha and theta frequencies from where we can directly enter the unconscious and reprogram those responses.

It is here, that we can connect to our higher self and the universal power that resides within us. It is here that we can access and design our desires and then release them into the quantum field to be manifested.

We are not victims of our circumstances, even if they are abusive, restrictive and seemingly unfair. And I know from personal experience that it doesn’t feel that way when we are in our human body!  

It’s important to acknowledge that aspect and release the anger, fear and frustration created in safe and healthy ways, or they get stuck in the body… I have experienced that too!
When we can turn to the soul perspective however, we remember that we have chosen these circumstances for our own growth, to turn pain into wisdom and fear into love. To expand our essence, release separation and step into deeper level of unity both within and without.

When I remember this, I renew faith and trust in the higher guidance. I surrender my human mind to a greater mind and allow things to unfold in divine timing, keeping my impatient human self in check.

Deep breaths

It takes great courage to move beyond the human perspective of blame and to understand that empathic patterns of the need to be safe and love may have contributed towards our sense of feeling trapped, unheard, unseen and unloved.

Courage is the word I am now choosing to live by.

Training the unconscious mind, teaching the inner child, that safety and love come from within, not without and that the external world can only reflect back to us the level of love we believe we deserve.

Strengthening self-worth is the only way forward if we want to attract loving relationships. Not because we positively think ourselves into this state, but because we work with the unconscious mind to deeply reprogram a new belief in self and remember that…

You are already whole and complete.

With love,